A Proper Lady

Disclaimer: This is absolutely filthy and to read it you should absolutely be over 18. I don’t make the rules. Except when I do but this is not one of those cases.

Everyone in the story is a consenting adult woman and so on. Also, it’s mildly kinky with a lot of dirty talk so be warned.

A Proper Lady
by Claudia Parr

Nora suspected with growing horror that she was finally going insane. After thirty years of relative normalcy, of white-knuckling it through every such impulse, of putting the front of composed, dignified femininity, she was at last, like her mom had long predicted, letting the crazy take over. Only once in her early twenties had she lost the grip on her carefully maintained self-possession. And her girlfriend back then was not exactly charmed by what she saw.

Now to treat Madeline in that way was a sure sign the reins had somehow slipped out of her clenched fists. Maddie said it was okay. But she had only glimpsed a tiny sliver of what Nora kept under the lid of propriety. And it was still frightening enough.

Bending forward in the armchair, Nora released a shaky exhale. She could still taste Maddie on her lips, feel her on her fingers. The way she’d handled her just now was surely not the way to treat your girlfriend. It felt degrading and dirty. The fact she was capable of doing this to the woman she loved made her question her definitions. Truth was, at that moment she didn’t love Madeline. She wanted to possess her. And she wanted to hurt her a little…

Nora cringed at the memory of the nasty things she’d said. How did such words–so, so demeaning and vulgar–make it out of her mouth? Yeah, that was definitely not the way to speak to a girlfriend. Madeline was the very definition of delicacy. Sweet and shy before you gained her trust, then effortlessly charming once you did. She was not exactly a shrinking violet in the bedroom. And they had played with power dynamics to an extent. But every single time until now Nora had maintained a grip on her worst impulses. And at those times when she was not the one in control it felt safer–she couldn’t possibly hurt Maddie by being too blindfolded.

Now it was different.

“Are you still sure about this?” Maddie had barely left when she walked back into the living room in just a cropped T-shirt and cotton boyshort panties. When she stopped by the armrest of the heavy old-fashioned chair, the evidence of their earlier makeout session, mere inches away from Nora’s face, and the thought of what they were going to do next made Nora’s whole body tingle. 

It was probably that the damp spot on Maddie’s panties had grown in the couple of minutes they’d been apart. Perhaps it was that Maddie had obviously been entertaining Nora’s fantasy in her short absence, replaying the breathy request in her mind. It could’ve been the anticipation sharpening the arousal both of them had been caught up in for the past half an hour of kissing and grinding, and groping, and whispering dirty stuff to each other. It had to be something.

Something that today of all days snapped the strings holding Nora together. She felt it like a pulsing sensation that made her entire body vibrate. It blurred her vision. It lit her skin on fire. It stopped all rational thought.

She grabbed Maddie’s hips and covered the damp spot with her mouth, which immediately earned her a sharp gasp of surprise. The tangy flavor of Maddie’s juices, slippery over the soaked cotton, sent a rush of blinding, white hot arousal to every part of Nora’s body. Turned into pure sensation now, she was single-mindedly focused on one thing only–thrusting her tongue in Maddie’s tight little pussy.

She pulled the panties down as far as she could reach before tugging Maddie into the chair where she herself was seated just a moment ago and kneeling on the rough jute rug in front of her to take the rest off. A lone thought flashed through the haze in her mind and stilled her hands as they grabbed Maddie’s legs to spread them over the armrests.

Panting heavily already, Nora barely had the sense to ask, “Is this okay? Can I first get you off like this, baby?”

Stunned and clearly worked up from their previous activities, Maddie just nodded, lips parted in silent dismay, and slightly thrust her hips forward. It was all the invitation Nora needed. Her girlfriend was notoriously untalkative in the throes of passion. Nora only took a moment to admire the view through clouded eyes–Maddie’s perfect pink pussy glistening with the abundant wetness now dripping on the leather–before plunging her tongue inside. Maddie’s cry was part pleasure, part surprise. She had expected the longer overture Nora usually went for.

Nora registered her vocalization but remained undeterred by it. She lapped a path up to Maddie’s swollen clit, uninterested in drawing this out. In a more sober state Nora would’ve teased and prolonged her intimate caresses until Maddie begged and bargained with the limited vocabulary of frantic arousal until Nora allowed her to dissolve into a shaking climax. But today was not about savoring. Today, Nora was desperate to devour her, driven by a hunger that made her quite insane.

She sucked Maddie’s clit into her mouth and moaned around the throbbing flesh. Maddie’s hand shot to tangle in her hair and Nora could feel her struggle not to squeeze her legs shut. Ever the helpful girlfriend, she grabbed the shaking thighs and held them wide apart.

When she raised her head to say, “I told you I just want you to keep your legs open for me”–a not at all subtle reminder of the fantasy she had shared earlier–Maddie’s tortured moan filled the living room. Nora saw her pussy clench and thrust her tongue right back inside. A gush of hot juices smeared all over her face and made her even more ravenous. She dragged her tongue through slippery folds again and again, breathing in Maddie’s heady musky scent, made stronger by the hormones of her ovulation. Nora loved all nuances of the way Maddie smelled and tasted throughout the month but this was her favorite. Right now her girlfriend was a sex goddess and her pussy tasted the way siren songs sounded to lost sailors.

Sensing Maddie’s imminent orgasm, Nora loosened the grip on her thighs to let Maddie grind on her tongue as hard as she wanted. She reveled in their shared frenzy. Now both of them had gone beyond coherent thought, Maddie’s surging hips and violent convulsions a testament to her own lack of self-control. The stream of curses that mindlessly escaped Maddie’s lips in those moments was typically so endearing to Nora. Now she only had one thing on her mind.

She let Maddie ride the aftershocks, enjoying the throbbing beneath her tongue and lapping up every drop of cum Maddie’s quivering hole released for her. When Maddie’s hand feebly pushed against her head, Nora eagerly obliged. She wasn’t nearly done yet. Her hunger for Maddie felt acute and ferocious. If Nora had the presence of mind, she would be scared of its sheer intensity.

She got Maddie up on wobbly legs and, tangling a fist in her hair, invaded her mouth. A desperate gasp for air broke their kiss. Nora swallowed all of the oxygen she could at once before returning her mouth to Maddie’s flushed face. She traced the warmth from her cheek to her ear, then whispered, “Did you like me eating your pussy, baby?” Steadily pinning Maddie to her with one arm, Nora grabbed her butt with the other and spread her open. “I think you’ll love me eating your ass too.”

Maddie released a shaky breath, her eyes rolling to the ceiling. “Yes.” Her voice was small but betrayed no hesitation, only want and embarrassment. Touched by a sudden burst of affection, Nora tucked a lock of hair behind Maddie’s ear, then kissed her damp temple. The way she loved this woman was nothing short of extraordinary. Right now, she wanted Maddie to be hers entirely, painfully. Nora was out of her mind.

She didn’t need to scan the room to know where their dining table was. That’s where she led Maddie as she sucked her tender earlobe before murmuring, “But I need to take you again first…” Her entire body vibrated at new heights of arousal when she grabbed Maddie’s hips and swirled her around, then bent her over the solid wooden surface. “Fuck.”

Nora gulped some air to relieve the heaving of her chest but as she pulled Maddie’s butt cheeks apart all of her efforts were lost. Maddie was breathtaking. Plump dark pink lips covered in cum and a perfect rosy asshole Nora had wanted to fuck for a while. But even in her haze she knew she’d have to wait a little longer for that and be a lot more patient than she felt at present. She released one cheek and plunged two fingers inside the hole her tongue had just explored. Maddie’s moan undid her.

“How are you always so tight, baby? No matter how many times I fuck you.” Maddie didn’t verbally respond to the rhetorical question but her muscles convulsed around Nora’s fingers in a tell-tale sign of approval. Nora drove in slow and hard pushing forward with her pelvis, one hand gripping Maddie’s hip to keep her in place. “Maybe it’s time for a bigger cock…” Maddie’s anguished whine and the wetness that trickled down Nora’s wrist were evidence she enjoyed the turn Nora’s dirty talk had taken.

“Y-yes.” It was the only verbal confirmation Nora would get. She felt a bit too smug at the fact that her sexual prowess was able to reduce her philosophy PhD girlfriend’s vocabulary to “yes” and “please”.

Another deliberate thrust. Nora’s clit rubbed against her knuckles torturously on every stroke. The image of her strap-on flashed behind her eyelids, shut in pleasure, but she didn’t want to stop what she was doing. She slammed back in, her hips punctuating the movement. “You think if I fuck you often enough in the ass, you’ll eventually be able to take it whenever I want?” Maddie’s pussy gripped her fingers as she wailed. Nora couldn’t help the image of sliding her cock in the tight ring of muscle she’d never been before. Whenever she wanted, just because she could. Because Maddie was hers. Nora seriously doubted that would ever be the case but the fantasy felt too good to rationalize away.

The thought alone pushed her to the edge quicker than ever before, especially from such indirect stimulation. Her clit bumped against her knuckles a few more times as she slammed into Maddie and that was all it took for the convulsions to start deep in her belly. She could faintly feel Maddie’s contractions at first. Then as her own orgasm washed over her and weak aftershocks made her thighs quiver still, Nora became aware of how close Maddie was.

“Come for me, baby,” she whispered sweetly, leaning over her back. She felt Maddie tighten around her invading fingers. Nora pushed harder, deeper. “That’s it, baby. I want your cum all over my hand.” Maddie’s anguished cry made Nora’s pussy clench painfully. She had to will herself to keep the same rhythm instead of plundering Maddie like her worst instincts dictated. “That’s it, baby, come for me, Maddie.” Nora brushed away a damp lock of hair to kiss her temple as Maddie’s muscles contracted in time with the whimpers escaping her beautiful full lips.

Panting and sweaty, Nora withdrew from her lover and stepped back on unsteady legs. Realization dawned on her and with it, guilt and shame. She’d spoken to the woman she loved like Maddie was a whore, not her girlfriend of a year.

“Baby, I’m so–”

“Wow. That was incredible.” Maddie turned to face her with the most brilliant grin Nora had seen on her. “Absolutely fantastic. Where were you hiding this domme persona until now?”

“Uh…” Nora stared into her girlfriend’s bright red face with total lack of comprehension. Then the most important question popped into her mind. “Did I hurt you? I got really rough there…”

“Oh, yeah, it was perfect.” Maddie wrapped her arms around Nora’s waist, smiling from ear to ear.

“‘Oh, yeah’ I hurt you?”

The panic that flashed in Nora’s eyes made Maddie shake her head so quickly she probably risked concussion. She leaned in for a quick peck on the lips, then murmured against Nora’s, “No, baby, ‘oh, yeah’ it was perfect. You didn’t hurt me.”

“And…” Nora blushed. “The way I–the way I talked to you…”

“Absolutely perfect. Now I’m going to get ready for you. And I want you to do to me whatever you want.” The whispered request made Nora’s breath hitch. The implication got her wetter than she’d ever thought possible. Maddie got another quick kiss, hands cupping Nora’s burning cheeks, before leaving the room.

Nora brought her hand to her nose. Maddie’s lingering scent threatened to undo her completely. Was she in a state to fulfill that particular fantasy? Earlier, when she’d gotten all dominant and demanding, she was very short on the patience and gentleness fucking Maddie in the ass would require. Nora covered her face with both hands and exhaled. Maddie’s parting words rang in her head. To do to her whatever I want… Nora shuddered just imagining where that could take them.

“Hey.” Maddie’s soft voice startled her out of a disturbing fantasy. Nora peered at her over her hands. “All ready. You?”

“Baby, are you sure about this?” Nora got up from the chair and walked to her girlfriend to gather her half-clad form in shaky arms. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Even as she said this, she wasn’t sure it was completely true. She did want to hurt Maddie a little. Spank her butt until it was red. Fuck her so hard she would be sore the next day. What she didn’t want was to cause her harm. And she wasn’t positive that was a consideration she'd be able to keep in mind once… once she got like that.

“You won’t,” Maddie said with an air of finality and so much trust in her eyes Nora’s knees got weak.

“How are you so sure? Baby, I get so…It feels like I’m a different person when…” Nora tried and failed to explain the feeling that had taken over her earlier.

“I know you won’t hurt me because I know you. One little ‘ouch’ from me and you’ll snap right back, you won’t even wait for my safe word. Which is a three-letter, by the way, and I am perfectly capable of saying it even when I get all spacey.” Maddie wrapped both arms around Nora’s neck and pressed her whole body into Nora’s. “Baby. Please. You can let go with me.” Her murmured reassurance sounded so sincere, so corrupting. There was nothing Nora wanted more than to let go.

She sought Maddie’s lips and claimed them into a kiss that started slow and sensual. Her hands wandered from soft breasts to a lush bottom, to sharp hip bones. Maddie mirrored her caresses, moaning into their kiss. To do whatever I want to her… The thought was tantalizing. Nora grasped Maddie’s wrists to restrain her.

Their lips parted, a shiny string of saliva breaking between them. Maddie’s eyes met Nora’s in a moment of breathless anticipation. The slight anxiety, the tiniest tremble of Maddie’s body got Nora frantic with lust.

“Take everything off,” Nora said. An order, whispered softly.

Maddie took a step back. Hands slightly shaking, she grabbed the edge of her T-shirt and peeled it off. She discarded her panties next, all of her senses visibly alive, trying to anticipate the unknown.

“Now go to the bedroom.”

Maddie’s breath caught in her throat. She turned around, her perfectly round ass now on full display, and started walking unhurriedly. Nora followed a few steps behind her.

Once past the threshold, Maddie stopped, awaiting further instruction. Nora ran light fingertips up and down her spine on her way to the dresser, reveling in the subtle change in Maddie’s breathing. She pulled the top drawer open and paused. She knew which dildo she wanted to fuck Maddie’s pussy with but that one would be too big for first time anal. And Nora wanted to drive her cum-slicked cock from Maddie’s pussy to her ass, not pause in the middle to change toys.

She took out the smaller one and a pair of black boyshorts with lace frills around the thighs. Always a lady, even with a cock strapped between her legs.

Dressed in her favorite harness and nothing else, she turned to order Maddie on the bed. But when Maddie tried to lie down, Nora stopped her. “No. With your head on the edge.” Maddie gave her a look of confusion. She turned around, seemingly unsure. She climbed on the mattress, then lied down, her long pretty hair hanging from the side of the bed. Nora pulled her a bit further until her head was off the bed almost entirely, then stepped aside to allow Maddie a quick glance in the full-length mirror of their wardrobe. “You’re so pretty, baby.”

Moment of vanity over, Nora guided her cock to Maddie’s lush lips. “Open up,” she cooed, stroking Maddie’s cheek lovingly. When Maddie eagerly complied, Nora encouraged her with a gentle tone, “That’s right, baby, you’ve done it before.” It was not entirely true. Maddie had given her a blow job before. But back then, she was giggling and teasing, putting on a sexy little show. Now she was on her back while Nora was driving a cock down her throat. That image alone–Maddie so completely vulnerable, her lips wrapped around the base of the toy–was enough to make Nora’s whole body vibrate with excitement. The sensation of the dildo bumping against her clit as she slowly, finally, pushed the full length inside Maddie’s warm welcoming mouth was only secondary to the visual. A pleasant, welcome afterthought but an afterthought nonetheless. First and foremost Nora loved the feeling of power it gave her.

Maddie made a muffled sound around the toy, her body wiggling suggestively. Inch by inch, Nora eased the shaft nearly all the way out before repeating the whole path forward. Once buried inside, she leaned forward to spread Maddie’s legs, bent at the knee, open. Her fingers slid through copious amounts of wetness, slowly, leisurely, before stroking Maddie’s hard clit. “Oh, baby, you really like taking it down the throat,” Nora taunted. “You are so wet just from getting face fucked like this…You know what that makes you?” Nora dipped two fingers in Maddie’s tight opening, collecting even more of her juices to smear all over her puffy lips. “A dirty little slut.”

Maddie whimpered at the name-calling, her pelvis rising to meet Nora’s strokes. Still mindful of Maddie’s potential discomfort, despite the heady rush of adrenaline, Nora withdrew again, this time entirely. Maddie gulped air before her eyes, clouded with desire, turned to Nora’s at the same time as her mouth opened in a wordless invitation. Nora shuddered. She pushed her cock in, her head tipping back in pleasure. The tiny wet sound of choking turned her on more than she thought normal. Or kind. “Fuck. You’re really good at this, baby.”

Nora managed a few slow thrusts before her skin started tingling in that familiar way. She was getting feverish, frantic. She burned to fuck Maddie, hard. To take her, to overpower her, to hold her down and shove the cock inside her over and over again. She had to pull out now before her thoughts informed the movements of her body.

Maddie’s sharp gasp was muffled almost immediately. Nora tapped the head of her cock against red swollen lips, then spread the thick coat of saliva all over her flushed face. She reached down to tweak a hard nipple until Maddie moaned, long and low. The blood rushing through her made her vision pulsate. She was ravenous for Maddie again and one look at the glistening curls between her legs made her next move clear.

Once again, she teased up and down her slit before plunging just a finger inside. Maddie cried out, her sounds no longer muffled by the toy that Nora now held to her cheek. “You were born to blow me, baby. Weren’t you?” Maddie simply mewled and thrust her hips upward to meet Nora’s finger. Nora pulled out. Smack. The sound was wet, Maddie’s whimper that of surprise. “Weren’t you?”

“Ye-es,” Maddie said, turning her pleading eyes to Nora. The vulnerability in them was powerfully erotic. It triggered something primal in Nora; she wasn’t sure she’d be able to push it back inside once their tryst was over.

“Now get your butt on the edge of the bed,” Nora heard her own voice speaking, heavy with arousal and shaking with barely contained aggression. Maddie was slow to comply, made languid by pleasure. She braced herself on unsteady arms and turned around but before she could get all the way there, Nora grabbed her thighs and impatiently dragged her down the bed. “Just keep your legs open for me,” Nora said. “That’s all you have to do.”

Maddie’s chest rose and fell rapidly, her knees falling wide open. The anxious anticipation in her eyes sent a shock right to Nora’s clit. Fuck. She had to have her now. As if by a spell, she fell to her knees and put her mouth on Maddie, eyes closing in pleasure the moment Maddie’s familiar taste hit her tongue. She traced soft folds and swollen nerve endings, her own breathing as labored as Maddie’s. Savagely, Nora devoured Maddie like the world was about to end.

Then wet caresses slipped lower, over Maddie’s puckered hole and Maddie’s moans got louder and breathier. Her juices had trickled down and now Nora swirled her tongue in them before insistently pressing forward. Maddie easily yielded. Soft feminine hands grasped the sheets at either side of her wide open legs. Nora swiped her tongue all the way up and circled Maddie’s throbbing clit. All hers. Maddie lay spread on the bed, completely accessible and fully hers to do with as Nora pleased. Lick her wherever she wanted, fuck her however she felt like.

With a low growl at the back of her throat, Nora plunged a finger inside Maddie’s pussy. She pumped in and out a few times, coating it in Maddie’s hot slippery juices, before dragging it down to her ass. Maddie instantly opened up to her, very little pressure needed, and Nora’s roving finger sunk deeper, drawing out a long loud cry of pleasure.

“Look at you, baby, getting fucked in the ass,” Nora teased, voice low and raw. “Such a dirty girl for me.” A fresh flood of wetness poured out of Maddie. Nora chuckled. “And it turns you on so much, doesn’t it? To get fucked like a whore.” Maddie’s sob was confirmation enough. But Nora wanted to hear her pretty girlish voice say it. “I said, doesn’t it?” Her question was punctuated by a thrust of her finger that extracted the sweetest keening sound from her lover.

“Yes,” Maddie choked out. “Yes.” She was on the verge of crying from what sounded like a mixture of ecstasy and overwhelm.

Nora pushed forward again and covered Maddie with her mouth. Pale thighs trembled with what was surely an impending orgasm. But Nora had other plans for Maddie’s next climax.

Gentler than she currently felt, Nora extracted her finger from the vice-like grip of Maddie’s asshole. Against anguished protestations, she pulled away from the wet heat between her girlfriend’s legs. “I’ll show you getting fucked like a whore,” she promised before grabbing Maddie’s hips and flipping her over.

Maddie gasped and looked over her shoulder with bewilderment. The momentary fright that passed over her face both aroused and terrified Nora. To ease her trepidation away, Nora spread the puffy lips of Maddie’s pussy to reveal her generously lubricated opening and pushed a finger inside. “Fucking your little cunt from behind is my favorite,” Nora said, never taking her eyes off Maddie’s. A soft whimper was probably all she was going to get without prompting but she saw the anxiety leave her lover’s face. The language was new, the act wasn’t.

Holding Maddie’s butt cheek and the fleshy part of her upper thigh aside, Nora guided the dildo to her entrance and sank just the tip. Maddie had already been so close and now that Nora introduced new stimulation, her prone body shivered. “Please,” Maddie sobbed, a barely audible strangled sound that went right to Nora’s clit. Without meaning to cede ground, she pushed an inch further purely on impulse and her hand, which she used to guide it, brought the base of the toy tight against her own overwrought nerve endings. Nora hissed, a jolt of pleasure overwhelming her momentarily.

“Please what, baby?” She managed to ask through gritted teeth. There was additional joy in teasing a confession out of Maddie. “Please fuck your cunt hard?”

“Yes…” Another moan, muffled by the sheets. Nora gave in to her need and gripping Maddie’s hips, buried her cock to the hilt in one swift motion. She nearly bent over her girlfriend when a new shock wave of pleasure hit her.

Regaining just a touch of her composure, Nora placed a hand on Maddie’s lower back to push her further down into the mattress. Now lying on top of her, Nora started to move, slow and hard, fingers digging into the flesh around Maddie’s hips. “You get exactly what you ask for, baby,” Nora said between thrusts. “But just so you know, this is all for my pleasure. I really…really need to get off in your tight little pussy.” Gasps and moans broke Nora’s words, making her delivery less than smooth. But fuck, Maddie’s skin, so hot to the touch, flushed and slick with sweat, felt incredible and the friction was getting too damn perfect. “And if you come from being my little fuck toy…” Nora bit Maddie’s earlobe before she continued, “It’s only ‘cause you’re a dirty slut who loves being used.”

Maddie cried out at the taunt that aptly coincided with another one of Nora’s wilful thrusts. Despite her threat of disregarding Maddie’s pleasure, Nora sneaked a hand between her lover’s writhing body and the drenched sheets to rub circles around Maddie’s clit. The response was immediate.

She withdrew once again, not so slowly, then rammed back inside, jarring her girlfriend forward with the impact. Maddie’s cries got desperate. She was getting off on being pounded and Nora was thrilled at how deliciously dirty that was. Cute, shy Maddie. Taking a good rough fucking and loving it.

When she heard the crescendo of Maddie’s orgasm, she finally allowed herself to let go too, driving into Maddie over and over again with a force that knocked the breath out of her girlfriend. Nora knew Maddie would feel her in every step tomorrow. She bit down on the tender flesh between Maddie’s neck and shoulder to stop herself from growling like a wild animal. Insane. She was insane.

The orgasm shook her to her core. Her spasms felt endless, drawing moans and grunts, and broken sobs as her hips kept on pumping into Maddie. Through the mind-numbing pleasure Nora could feel Maddie still thrashing underneath her, her own sounds of bliss reaching a desperate pitch again.

As some clarity settled, despite the weak but still ongoing convulsion of her body, Nora brough Maddie down from her high with slow caresses and even slower gentler thrusts. Then she carefully pulled out and lied on her side, gathering Maddie into her arms. Her body vibrated with unspent energy. How she wasn’t sated–still–defied her logic. And scared her. She could plunge into Maddie again. And again, and again, and again… But Maddie must be sore after that vigorous fucking.

“Baby, are you okay?” Nora kissed the back of her lover’s neck, hands soothing burning skin.

“Mmm…” When Maddie turned her head for a kiss, Nora noticed the glazed eyes, the spaced out expression.

“Baby?” She urged after their lips unlocked. Maddie wiggled her butt against Nora’s still strapped cock.

“I’m perfect,” she said softly.

“Yeah, you are.” Nora bit down on her shoulder again, this time with much more restraint and affection.

“I want you to fuck me in the ass now.”

Nora met Maddie’s eyes. Her lovely, precious, typically reticent Maddie. Who was a lot less demure all of a sudden. One thing was clear, though, Maddie was not hurt and was still, just like Nora, very much turned on and ready for another round. Nora smirked.

“Look what getting fucked like a whore does to a girl…” She traced Maddie’s spine, goosebumps raising in the wake of her touch. “Maybe I should fuck you in the ass. We can practice for tomorrow when your pussy will be too sore to take my cock…” Nora’s fingers dipped into the endless pool of wetness between Maddie’s closed thighs. She carefully collected lubrication before rubbing circles around Maddie’s asshole.

“Yes…” Maddie’s breath hitched.

Nora pressed forward, more teasing than penetrating. She circled the perimeter lightly then only dipped her index finger to the first knuckle. Maddie seemed to be transported elsewhere by the stimulation. Her expression of rapture was enough to tug at Nora’s heartstrings and also, unfortunately, make her that much more impatient. She retreated despite Maddie’s yelp at the loss.

Getting out of bed, Nora tried to collect her scattered thoughts. Lube, a vibrator, what else? She eyed the other dildo in the drawer and entertained the image of inserting it in Maddie’s pussy while she fucked her ass. Nora groaned. That was next level. She snatched the bullet vibe and the lube, then returned to bed where her anxious lover was silently, obediently, waiting for her.

“Good girl,” Nora cooed, open palm gliding down Maddie’s damp back soothingly. She grabbed her hips and repositioned her so that she was lying fully on her tummy. She turned on the vibe to its lowest setting and sneaked it between Maddie’s pelvis and the mattress. “Hold this to your clit, baby.” Maddie eagerly obeyed, their hands briefly meeting in the hollow between her heated body and the soaked sheets.

Maddie hummed and her hips bucked against her hand in an all too familiar rhythm. Smirking, Nora warned, “Don’t you dare come.” Clouded eyes met hers over Maddie’s shoulder, something close to a dare flickering in them. Nora groaned. Maddie had picked the wrong time to test her. Nora’s affection for her was still verging too closely on aggression. She brought her hand down on Maddie’s butt in a resounding slap. Harder than any other time Nora had hit her. Before, when they were playing around, she was just doing it for the gesture–now she meant the blow to hurt. Maddie’s startled, then pained, whimper went straight to Nora’s clit. “I said, don’t you dare come.”

Hand still on one tender butt cheek, Nora spread Maddie for her viewing pleasure. She ran her free hand flat over smooth thighs and the curve of Maddie’s lower back. No tense muscles. Nora was surprised she still possessed the presence of mind to even check. She felt drunk on Maddie’s utter vulnerability, her complete submission. How she would ever go back to normal was beyond her.

“Hold yourself open for me,” Nora said, letting go of Maddie’s lush ass. Slowed down by what seemed like confusion, Maddie first tried to let go of the vibrator, then used her other hand to fulfill the request. “That’s right, baby, just one hand.”

Nora straddled slightly trembling thighs and poured a generous amount of lube on her fingers. She blew hot air on it before spreading the warmed up gel all over the beautiful landscape Maddie had uncovered for her. Nora sank first one finger then two, relishing the sensation of being so tightly gripped by her girlfriend’s body. She retreated gently and pushed forward with even more caution and was rewarded by an endless string of mewling sounds and incoherent syllables.

“You like it, don’t you?” She bent over Maddie to whisper the question into her ear. “I bet no one else knows how much you like being fucked in the ass. What would your colleagues say, Maddie? They don’t know what a slut you are…” Maddie moaned at the words and Nora barely made out a ‘Yeah’. She clearly liked being degraded as well. Nora rubbed her cock against her butt in time with the slow thrusts of her fingers. Going at this pace was a particular kind of torture. “Do you want more?” An eager nod. “What was that?”

“Y-yees,” Maddie cried out in response to a deeper stroke. She choked back a sob, then repeated, barely more lucid, “Yes.”

Nora withdrew her fingers and squirted more lube on them. Repeating the same procedure, she warmed up the liquid before pressing three fingers to Maddie’s now more relaxed hole. She went in slowly, willing herself to focus on Maddie and not on the insistent twitching of her own pussy, despite how much she burned to be inside her this instant. Maddie opened up to her, a beautiful drawn out moan escaping her bright pink lips. Her hand shifted from underneath her, the bullet vibe glistening in her palm.

“I didn’t say you can remove that,” Nora said.

“Nnn-I…I c-can’t…” Maddie’s face, flushed a deep red and contorted in pleasure, was a breathtaking sight as she struggled to formulate words.

“You can. And you will.” Nora placed the vibrating toy right back on Maddie’s swollen clit. “Hold it here,” she instructed, her voice betraying her barely contained cruelty. Torturing Maddie was more fun than she considered advisable. Maddie’s next prolonged cry, more anguished than ecstatic, was testament to how quickly pleasure could turn into the most exquisite pain.

Nora pulled out of her tight asshole. The dildo was no bigger than three of her fingers–if Maddie could accommodate them with such ease now, she was more than ready for it. Still terrified of causing Maddie even the most minor discomfort, despite the sudden desire and very unhelpful image of flogging her quivering thighs until they went red, Nora reached again for the lube and coated the entire length of her cock in it.

The moment she pressed the tip to Maddie’s puckered hole, she felt her tense up. “Relax, baby. You took my fingers so well. Do you still want my cock in your ass?”


“Then relax.” Nora reached under Maddie’s body to maneuver the vibrator in sensuous circles around her clit. Faint spasms spelled the quick approach of her orgasm. Nora removed the toy for a few seconds, leaving Maddie with no stimulation at all. When she reintroduced the vibration, Maddie was feverish and desperate for release. “Remember, don’t come yet.”

Nora pushed forward with her hips, only the first inch or so of her cock sinking in. Maddie was shaking, so close to orgasm, she forgot to be anxious. It worked in Nora’s favor. She put more pressure on Maddie’s asshole with the dildo, going that much further inside. “Baby, don’t come yet, I’ll take your toy away,” Nora threatened. Maddie groaned in response but made an effort to still her gently rocking hips.

Nora herself was nearly frantic with desire and were she fucking Maddie in the pussy, she would probably ravage her. She clenched her teeth and advanced slowly, aided by generous lubrication and Maddie’s eager body subtly swaying back to take more of her. “Still okay, baby?” Nora’s voice broke a little. Restraint had been her biggest virtue until just about two hours ago.

“Mhm… yeah…”

Another couple of inches and Nora found herself buried to the hilt in Maddie’s ass just like she’d fantasized when she allowed her mind to drift. So intimately pressed to her body, Nora felt every inch of Maddie’s fever-hot skin against her own. 

“That’s it, baby. Completely mine now.” And Maddie was completely hers. A primitive part of Nora’s brain that she was not particularly proud of took such perverse delight in having penetrated her girlfriend in every way possible. Her hand slid down Maddie’s sweat-slicked stomach, then lower, through coarse wet curls until she reached the vibrating toy and extracted it from Maddie’s slippery grasp. “Let me take care of this…” Nora rubbed the tip of the vibrator back and forth over Maddie’s clit until she heard choked cries of pleasure. The grinding of her own pelvis into Maddie’s plump butt was driving her near the edge of sanity–just enough to overstimulate her but not enough to make her come.

Maddie was getting louder. Another pass of the vibe over her sensitive clit and she clutched the sheets with her newly freed hand. Nora watched with clouded eyes as her knuckles turned white. Her body writhed, caught between Nora’s controlled thrusts and her maneuvering fingers. Trembling and panting, Maddie wiggled her butt, impaling herself on Nora’s cock a little more roughly than Nora was willing to go at this point but by the look and sound of her unraveling orgasm she was experiencing the pure bliss that was eluding Nora.

Wanting to prolong Maddie’s release, Nora whispered all sorts of dirty stuff in her ear that slipped out of her lips with so little censorship she lost track of what she was saying. Her hand never slowed the repetitive circling movements that were dragging the bullet vibe over Maddie’s clit again and again. When Maddie’s cries finally subsided and her body collapsed into the mattress utterly spent, Nora slowly pulled the toy away from her still twitching clit.

“Want me out now?”

“Mm…mhm. Yeah.”

Nora had officially fucked Maddie beyond the capacity to even say a coherent ‘yes’, reducing her to mumbled sounds instead. She extracted the toy slowly, then flopped onto the bed beside her. She took the dildo out of the O-ring and tossed it God-knew-where. Maddie had turned to lie on her back and now Nora simply rolled onto her side to trace gentle lines with her fingertips over Maddie’s soft belly.

“So how was your first time, baby?”

“Mmm…incredible,” Maddie’s speech was still slurred but she managed to string enough syllables together to form a whole word. Nora’s heart swelled with emotion.

She dropped her head next to Maddie’s and whispered in her ear, “Thank you for this, baby. I loved every second of it.” She simply couldn’t help her hand going lower, her fingers playing with the wet curls that covered Maddie’s mound. A contented sigh was all the response she got but whether Maddie was agreeing with the sentiment or with the direction of her touch was unclear. Still humming with frustrated arousal, Nora imagined spreading Maddie’s legs wider, bringing her knees to her shoulders and sinking into her hard and deep, over and over again until she came. The fantasy blurred her vision and she closed her eyes, her fingers now gently circling Maddie’s clit.

“Mhh…baby…fuck my pussy again,” Maddie requested, barely above a murmur. Her hips swayed gently in anticipation of Nora’s light strokes.

“You’ll be so sore tomorrow,” Nora argued. But her protestation was half-hearted. She craved to fuck Maddie again and she wanted her sore tomorrow. She pictured Maddie squeezing her legs together under her desk at work and wincing a little. Remembering tonight, remembering Nora taking her roughly and herself loving every second of it.

“But baby, you didn’t come…and you know I love it when you finish inside me.” Maddie’s sweet voice pronouncing the words drew out a growl from Nora. She opened her eyes to meet Maddie’s, shiny with adoration, a mere inch away from hers.

“With the other cock?” Maddie swallowed hard but nodded and spread her legs a little more. Nora’s fingers dipped lower to play with her opening. She pumped one in, then added another when Maddie moaned in pleasure, no trace of pain. “Okay.” Nora brought their faces even closer together and kissed her girlfriend slowly and sweetly. A weak contraction made her moan into Maddie’s mouth. A fresh flood of Maddie’s juices warmed her fingers. Nora thrust a couple more times before withdrawing and circling Maddie’s clit again, spreading her wetness everywhere and drawing a whimper out of her.

She left Maddie abruptly much to her pouting displeasure. When she fit the bigger cock into the stretchy O-ring of her shorts, the now familiar drive to overwhelm Maddie took over. Nora slinked to the bed, watching her lover’s face slowly transform. Exhaustion was replaced with desire, ease with trepidation. Maddie’s breathing quickened before Nora had even touched her. Her eyes darted to the toy strapped to Nora’s hips and her pelvis rocked back and forth unconsciously.

Nora slowly took Maddie’s ankles in her hands and bent her legs, then brought them up just like she’d pictured earlier. She knelt on the edge of the bed, braced herself on one arm and, looming over Maddie, used her free hand to guide the tip of her cock to Maddie’s glistening pussy. Their eyes met when Nora dragged the dildo from Maddie’s entrance to her clit and back in a maddeningly slow pattern and Nora was rendered completely weak by the way Maddie’s pretty mouth formed a perfect O to let a long low moan out. Shaking with arousal, Nora pushed the tip past Maddie’s opening and in one smooth motion sank all the way in. She groaned when her clit, so sensitive after all of her previous grinding, bumped against the base of the dildo. She could already tell by the way her whole body trembled that it was going to be a strong orgasm.

“Hold your legs up,” Nora instructed and Maddie immediately grabbed her knees, holding herself spread open. Her eyes rolled back when Nora pushed deeper, their new position allowing her to reach previously neglected spots inside. “That’s it, baby. Take it all in. You’re my good little slut.” Nora gave another hard, deep thrust for emphasis. Maddie cried out, eyes shutting closed in pleasure. “No, baby, look at me. I want you to watch me fuck you the way you deserve,” Nora breathed out and slammed right back into Maddie, jerking her body and making her perfectly round tits bounce. “I want you to watch me”–a loud moan broke Nora’s sentence on her next push forward–“come inside your tight cunt.” Maddie obliged with difficulty. When her clouded eyes met Nora's, the vulnerability in them made Nora’s pussy clench. “Fuck.”

Her thrusts became more shallow. She could feel Maddie’s sticky wetness drenching the shorts harness and it thrilled her to no end. It was such a turn-on for Nora that her girlfriend loved being fucked roughly. She could pound her all she wanted, seeking her own release, and Maddie soaked the sheets and moaned uncontrollably. “You’re sure enjoying my big cock,” Nora rasped. “The harder I ram it into you, the wetter you get.” Her pelvis followed her words, forcing the breath out of Maddie and extracting a fresh gush out of her pussy. “You really are a whore, huh?”

Maddie’s pitiful cry at being called out was a new treat for Nora. That Maddie got hotter from the vulgar things Nora had been thinking but never dared say out loud before felt dirty and freeing all at the same time. Nora cupped her lover’s flushed face, her thumb pushing past Maddie’s full lower lip. Maddie wasted no time sucking on it.

“Fuck, you’re perfect,” Nora moaned in awe and adoration, and urgent need. She took her thumb out, despite a plaintive whimper, and sneaked her hand between their sweaty bodies to circle Maddie’s swollen clit. Her heaving chest and frantic gasping told Nora how close she was. “Come for me, slut…Come for me, baby.”

“Y-yeah,” Maddie made an effort to acknowledge what Nora had said but it was clear in her eyes she was barely holding onto sanity.

On Nora’s next thrust she broke. Her eyes shut tight and her cries filled their bedroom. Nora let her head fall into the juncture between Maddie’s neck and her shoulder, still rubbing her clit and pumping in and out in an increasingly jerky rhythm. Convulsions started first low in her belly, then the ecstasy of her orgasm swept over her whole body. Nora’s mouth formed a silent scream, her sounds muted by Maddie’s hot flesh. She could taste the salt of her sweat and feel the pulsation of the vein in her throat against her lips, and it was all so intense Nora was sure she would burst. Instead, she collapsed on top of Maddie, both of them shivering and shaking from the aftershocks.

Nora basked in their afterglow. Maddie was drawing random patterns with light fingertips on her back. They lay entwined for a couple of minutes before Nora got another naughty thought. She was too spent for another round and Maddie’s pussy had to be too tender after all that fucking but Nora had to have one final look at her work.

She lifted herself off Maddie whose questioning eyes were right upon her as she shifted. Sitting back on her heels, Nora gently pulled out. Her mouth slowly dropped open as she revealed Maddie’s poor hole, all stretched out from her cock. “Fu-uck, baby…I want you to see yourself.”

Maddie braced herself on her elbows to peer at whatever Nora had seen between her legs. “What is it?” Alarm rang in her voice. “Did I bleed?”

“No, baby. Did I hurt you?” It was Nora’s turn to panic. Did Maddie have any reason to think she might have?

Maddie shook her head. “No, no. But what are you looking at then?”

“Your pretty fucked out pussy…” Nora couldn’t help her teasing smile. “Come here, get on all fours.” She positioned Maddie with her butt in the air directly across from the mirror and sat on one folded leg beside her. Having correctly gauged her girlfriend’s intentions, Maddie craned her head to see the reflection. Nora held her butt cheeks open, her fingers lightly tracing the slightly stretched rim of her asshole, then dipping a bit lower to her gaping pussy. Maddie blushed an even brighter shade of red. “Look at you, baby,” Nora marveled at her work. “My lovely, dirty whore.” Nora’s hand landed with a smack on Maddie’s butt cheek, triggering a feeble moan and what seemed like a wave of aftershocks.

“Yes,” Maddie purred, now almost fully lucid. “I am. And I am so glad you finally let go with me.”

So am I. Nora’s gaze shifted from the pornographic sight of her lover’s recently abandoned holes, yet to resume their previous form, to her own face in the mirror. Messy bed-hair, a deep red flush all over her face and collarbones, and an indecent look of satisfaction. She had opened Pandora’s box tonight and what came out was definitely not becoming of a proper lady. So, Nora decided, she was going to be an improper one instead.


State of the Union