State of the Union

Disclaimer: If the ‘Erotica’ tag did not alert you to it, this story is def R-rated. Ahem. You should be over 18 to read it. One day I might post some fluff here but today is not that day.

The story includes some allusions to sharing one’s partner but otherwise I wouldn’t say it’s very kinky.

Oh, and — happy holidays!

State of the Union
by Claudia Parr

Erin was hot. Pretending otherwise would make Laura seem petty. Even more so because Max was secretly lusting after her. Well, as secretly as Max could manage. Laura was her wife–of course she had noticed the lingering glances and the guilt left in the wake of desire. After five blissful years of marriage it finally happened to them: the thing her mother had warned her about, the thing her friends spoke of so casually when their own relationships went through it. Max found another woman attractive enough to feel guilty about it.

Before, checking someone else out was never a big deal. Laura realized she wasn’t the only pretty woman on earth. She wasn’t even close to the prettiest. Other women had nice butts and bouncy round tits and not to mention, beautiful faces. Max wasn’t blind.

And Laura would be a hypocrite to judge. She always found an excuse to stay a little longer on the treadmill when that one butch (whose name she never learned) happened to be at the gym. In her case, though, the butch moved to a new neighborhood eventually–that was Laura’s theory anyway–and she never showed up at the gym again.

But Erin was more permanent. Erin was Max’s co-worker. Laura first noticed her when she picked up Max for date night about six months ago. Honey blond, though not naturally, tall and thin but with enough flesh around the hips and thighs. Her boobs were modest but somehow that added something to her overall appeal.

Laura quickly realized that what was really hot about Erin was her personality. They went out a few times–all three of them or with other co-workers–and Erin was a hoot and a half. She never came onto Max but had an awfully flirty demeanor. Erin also happened to be one of the most free spirited women Laura had met and her lack of inhibition was as sexy as it was troubling. And also, unfortunately, she was bi. Which meant that technically, Max stood a chance.

Laura almost rolled her eyes at the thought. Of course Max stood a chance. Even if Erin were straight. Max was so handsome, so charming and sweet. To say nothing of her strength, her quiet confidence and her unending kindness. Laura still had a full-blown crush on her wife, seven years after Max had used a dorky pick-up line to get her number at the Starbucks queue. Max continued to be everything Laura had dared to hope for. No, scratch that, Max was so much more.

Laura looked over at her wife. The fine lines around her warm brown eyes had only added to her appeal. She reached across the center console and combed Max’s short dark hair back before tugging a little at the roots. The gesture earned her a little smirk. Max glanced at her flirtatiously before returning her attention to the road. She might be lusting after Erin but she was definitely still into Laura.

Regardless, Max’s little crush bothered Laura to the point she had to bring it up. She couldn’t stand this thing between them staying unspoken, only guessing at the thoughts crossing Max’s head, treating it like a secret and inadvertently making it mean more than it had to. No, she had to have it out in the open where it was less tempting. But she couldn’t treat it like a marital problem either…

“Erin wore a pretty dress last night,” Laura said, matter-of-factly. It was true. Erin had showed up to the office party in a sexy little red dress that accentuated her long legs and hugged her curves. Max had noticed.

The nonchalance in her shrug now was just a little too forced. Laura could feel her tense up. They were locked in a car on the highway, in the pouring rain, going to Max’s folks for the holidays–possibly the best and the worst time to bring up that particular conversation. If things went wrong, they’d spend Christmas Eve eve performing cheer for the sake of everyone else, then sleep on the opposite sides of the bed.

“Okay, maybe ‘pretty’ is not the right word,” Laura went on when Max said nothing. “It was more sexy rather than pretty, huh?”

“I guess.” Max kept her eyes on the road. “I don’t know dresses. I only know what I like on you.” She flashed Laura a quick smile but the tension behind it was easy to perceive.

“Aww, come on. Erin has a smokin’ hot body. Her legs go on for miles. And she clearly works out. That booty is the result of hours at the gym, I should know…”

“Wow, babe, you weren’t looking at the dress, were you?”

“Well, I have eyes.”

“And they’re beautiful.” An obvious evasion. Sure, Max loved her eyes. But she wasn’t merely paying her a compliment.

“All I’m saying is, Erin is really hot.”

“I’m starting to feel like I should be jealous.” Another attempt at distraction, delivered with forced humor. This was not going to be easy. Laura quickly switched strategies. If she wasn’t going to extract a confession that way, it was time to admit she had noticed Max’s longing glances.

Laura’s tone changed as she said, “Max…” I know you want her.

But Max didn’t take the bait. She feigned obliviousness. “What is it, babe?”

“Max, I’ve noticed the way you look at her.” The moment Laura’s acknowledgement was out, the air in the car got denser. Max didn’t respond. Laura did a swift assessment of her tone. She didn’t sound accusatory, did she? No, just matter-of-fact. She was being pragmatic about it. No reason to overreact. Having occasional crushes was common even in monogamous marriages. It didn’t mean anything. But as silence stretched longer, Laura started to wonder if she had said the wrong thing. “I mean, she’s hot, I get it. It’s not a big deal. As long as you just want to fuck her…”

When Max finally spoke, it did nothing to put Laura’s insecurities to rest. “You know I love you, right?”

Oh, no. Oh, no. This wasn’t a good start. Laura gulped. “You only want to fuck her, right? You’re not…you’re not falling for her or anything?”

“God, no.” Max’s reply was prompt and sincere. “I’m not ‘falling for her’. That’s not…I’m not falling for her.”

“Oh. Okay, good.”

“And I have never–”

“Baby, I know. I know you haven’t.” Laura was sure of that. Max was not the type to cheat. Picturing Erin naked was enough to make her feel all guilty and ashamed. “But you do want to fuck her,” Laura said softly, no question mark at the end.

Max’s silence was answer enough. An old NSYNC song played quietly in the car and despite the weightiness of their conversation, Laura smiled thinking of Max’s goofy music taste. If they weren’t discussing the state of their monogamy, they would be singing along.

“How does that make you feel?” Laura recognized the bid for connection hidden in the procedural way Max asked the question. Max wasn’t well versed in conflicted emotions–Laura, unfortunately, wasn’t either–but they had made huge progress in therapy and Max had picked up a few of those staple phrases for when vulnerability didn’t come easy. Dr. Spencer had drilled her points too well.

“Honestly?” Laura paused. She could tell Max was still on edge. “It turns me on.”

Max’s head whipped in her direction so quickly. She tried to gauge Laura’s degree of honesty before focusing back on the road. And Laura wasn’t lying. Omitting, yes. But not lying.

There was something about Max noticing another woman that was actually, frankly… quite hot. Perhaps it was the subtle threat of losing her. The reminder that Max was not a tree planted in her backyard. That she could walk away and there was no lack of options before her. Laura knew it was more than that, though. She had pictured it in her mind: Erin on her hands and knees, taking Max’s cock from behind, panting, moaning, screaming her release. And it got her wet. Once, it got her all the way to orgasm.

But when the high wore off, insecurities returned. If fantasies ever turned to reality, Laura would be devastated. And that was the part she left out–being the jealous wife wasn’t attractive.

“It turns you on?”

“A little.” Laura tried to play it down. Perhaps it was one of the weirdest admissions she’d made. She looked ahead at the open road lined by evergreens on both sides. At the end of the day, she knew making Max feel bad about her crush was pointless–that wouldn’t get rid of it. So if she couldn’t just simply erase her fantasies and return to the uncomplicated relationship they had, she could play into them. Starting with another awkward confession. “I’ve thought about it, you know?”

“About what exactly?” Max swallowed audibly.

“I know that look you get…I can tell you picture her naked.” Laura closed her eyes for a moment. Yes, she did know that look. When Max looked at her that way, her panties soaked through. She knew what typically followed. “Do you imagine her on her knees? Giving you a blowjob?”


“You do, don’t you?” Laura knew how much Max loved that. “She would look up at you with those big green eyes. Maybe choke a little on your cock.” Sometimes Laura overexaggerated how difficult of a task taking a 7-inch dildo down the throat was. Just because it got Max off.

“Babe,” a warning sounded in Max’s voice. Perhaps distracting her with dirty talk while driving wasn’t a good idea. But Laura was suddenly feeling daring. And hot.

“Have you imagined grabbing her hair?”


The immediate shot of arousal was tinted with jealousy. Despite that, Laura asked, “What else?” She saw Max’s hands clenching around the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white.

“Fucking her, face down into the mattress…”

Laura moaned. The dirty picture her mind provided was simply too much of a turn-on. She knew she was wet but as she watched Max’s jaw tense, she thought she might tease her a little and check. Right now in the car.

“Babe, are you sure–are you sure you’re comfortable talking…about it? Like that.” Max was clearly still wary of crossing a line. Which was fair since Laura herself didn’t know where they stood in all of this. Having Max admit her desires, however, was still incredibly sexy even if it stirred Laura’s possessiveness too.

“Not entirely comfortable, no,” Laura said, shifting in her seat and lowering her voice. “I am getting a little worked-up…” She tugged her skirt up enough to sneak a hand beneath the double layer of pantyhose and simple black bikini underwear. Max looked at her in awe as she stroked up and down her slit–as wet as she’d anticipated–and moaned, delighted by her own touch. It had been a minute…

“Babe, you can’t do this to me,” Max warned again, her tone betraying her own arousal.

“Do this to you? I’m not doing anything to you.” Laura rubbed small but firm circles around her clit before dipping two fingers just inside. “Oh…fuck. I’ve also imagined you fucking Erin from behind.” She closed her eyes and pushed a little deeper, recreating her favorite Erin-related fantasy in her mind. “Except, I’m also there, watching you. And she meets my eyes and…ohh–” Her fingers easily slipped out and up until she pressed down on her clit again. “She meets my eyes and tells me how fucking good you are. I tell her I know, I tell her to enjoy it. And I watch her face twist as you grab her hips and pull her harder on your cock.”

A strong squeeze of her thigh made Laura’s eyes snap open. Max was getting impatient. She had never been able to take Laura’s teasing like a good sport. Laura never got to have her fun for long. Well. Not entirely true.

“You either stop right now or–”

“Or what, babe?”

“Or you’re getting fucked harder than you’re prepared for,” Max issued her threat. Laura rolled her eyes. Max had no idea what she was prepared for.

“You promise?” Laura said softly, between a dare and playing it coy. She knew how to get to Max. Her fingers slipped back inside and her back arched a little as she thought of Max taking her roughly. Max knew her body better than she did. So in a way, she did win a lot by losing this particular game.

And she was about to. Laura realized it only seconds after glimpsing the emergency shoulder. For worse or for better, she knew her wife too well.

“It’s for emergencies only…” Laura’s protest was weak but the outrage in her voice came across as genuine even to her own ears. She wanted Max to take over and yet she didn’t.

“We are about to have an emergency if you keep your hand in your panties.” Max was already pulling over. Her voice had gone all deep and throaty, so much it made Laura growl. How had she managed to marry someone so hot? A new flood of wetness coated her fingers.

Max wasted no time shifting to park and unbuckling first her own and then Laura’s seatbelt. She grabbed Laura’s face and pulled her into a deep kiss. It had been too long. All the holiday stress, wrapping up the year at work, shopping for presents, negotiating family visits… But now it was just them in Max’s car on the shoulder and all Laura could hear were the windshield wipers, the pelting rain and Max’s breathing. No better start to their vacation.

Okay, there was. Max’s hand crept from Laura’s jaw down the slope of her chest, lower over her sweater-clad abdomen and then under the light-knit fabric. Her fingers were so warm and familiar but the feeling never got old. Laura broke their kiss to draw a breath when Max squeezed her breast over the thin lacy bra. Her nipples were already hard despite the AC-maintained warmth that had turned her cheeks red.

“So how wet exactly does it get you?” Max asked, yanking the cup of her bra to tweak one painfully pebbled nipple. Laura moaned loudly. “Picturing your wife fucking another woman.”

“Check for yourself.” Laura parted her legs. She had extracted her hand from the tight confinement of her elastic pantyhose and now used it to hold Max close by the back of her neck.

“I will,” Max breathed out against her lips. “But I want you to tell me.”

Oh. Laura could play this game. And clear poor Max’s conscience. She let her eyelids grow heavy and summoned up the fantasy that had got her over the edge once right before bed. “It gets me so wet.” Her whole face flushed and it had nothing to do with the AC. “Once I got myself off thinking about it. You were in the kitchen, still working…”

“Did you do it in our bed?” Max taunted her. That tone of voice always did it for Laura. Max would use it to reprimand her or tease her for getting aroused by something really naughty. It made her feel dirty in the best way possible. “Did you finger your pussy in our bed? Thinking about me fucking Erin?”

“Mhm. Oh!” Max picked the perfect moment to cup her through the pantyhose and squeeze. Laura hiked up her skirt even higher, desperate to provide her with more access.

“What were you thinking about?” Wasting no more time, Max snuck a hand under the pantyhose and lingerie and her fingers immediately found Laura’s opening. At first, she only traced the rim in small maddening circles but the undergarments enclosure soon forced her fingers deeper and deeper.

“Uhh–ah!” Laura’s eyes shut tight against the wave of pleasure. Max’s movements were so firm and so sure after years of practice. She stroked Laura’s G-spot, unleashing a new gush of wetness that trickled down her wrist and soaked the fabric around Laura’s thighs. Laura fought through the intense sensation, ran her tongue over her dry lips and said, “I was–I was thinking about the look on Erin’s face when…oh! When you enter her.” Another loud moan cut her off. Max was on a mission, it seemed. A mission to drive her completely insane. She started pumping in and out and because of the elastic holding her hand in place, her fingers were forced deeper and the angle made it so the heel of her palm bumped against Laura’s clit on every stroke.

“Thinking about her face, huh? Maybe I should be jealous after all.”

Laura made a disgruntled sound but couldn’t voice her annoyance because Max reached deeper inside her, touching all of the wonderful spots their position revealed, and all she could do was arch her back and cry out. It felt so good Laura nearly forgot her late-night fantasy. Sweat made her clothes feel sticky and the warmth of the AC made her mouth even drier.

“I just…” Laura didn’t know where she was going with this. Then she remembered. “I just like the surprise on her face when you–when she realizes how big you are.” Oh, yes. Erin, wide-eyed and flushed from her cheeks to her collarbones, would be such a sexy view. Her body forced forward with the impact of Max’s thrusts. Fuck. Maybe Laura did have a thing for her. Just a little. “And when–” A sharp inhale. Laura’s clit was nearly overly sensitive. Max pushed inside with a little more force and it felt so euphoric Laura’s head swam.

“And when what?” Laura’s pussy clenched. Max’s hot breath in her ear was an added thrill. Her skin broke out in goosebumps despite the temperature in the car and the heat of her own body. Max couldn’t possibly expect her to finish her story. “What happens next, baby?”

“Mmmm…When she realizes how rough you like to fuck–” Fucking hell. Max was going to make her come. Laura gripped her forearm, trying and failing to get some control over it. “Baby, please!”

“Let me guess. You tell her to take it like you do?” As soon as the question was out of her mouth, Max bit the fleshy part of Laura’s ear. It was too much. The steady rhythm of her fingers, the way she rubbed her clit in passing, and her voice, her deep sexy voice that did things to Laura not even the most skillful touch could accomplish…

“Baby, please, I’m gonna–” She was so close. So close she could predict exactly one more thrust before it happened.

And then Max pulled out of her entirely and dropped back in her own seat. Laura was heaving and shaking. The throbbing between her legs reached levels of uncomfortable she was only vaguely familiar with.

“What–” She could barely contain her shock. “I was so fucking close, I was just about to–”

Max’s smirk was unequivocal. If Laura wasn’t so painfully worked up she would get angry. But all she could do now was gawk at her wife and squeeze her legs shut tight enough to relive at least a fraction of the ache.

“Walk a mile in my shoes,” Max said through a smile. “Or fifty.”

“That’s not fair!”

“It’s absolutely fair, baby. Now we’re both frustrated.”

“So you’re getting even?” Laura’s mind was too fuzzy to make a coherent argument. All she knew was Max was getting back at her for teasing. “What would Dr. Spencer say to that?”

Max shrugged as she buckled her safety belt and started the car. “Not to touch your pussy while your wife is driving. I’m trying to get us safe and sound to my folks for Christmas.”

Laura pouted, unable to come up with a snap-back. “I could’ve given you a blowjob…”

“The shoulder’s only for emergencies, baby.” Max grinned as she echoed Laura’s words back at her.


Christmas Eve at the Millers was an elaborate affair. By the time Laura got to the second floor guest bedroom, she was exhausted from all the festivities and overwhelmed by the incessant chatter and holiday music. Max’s family was wonderful, certainly warmer and closer-knit than her own, but their boundless extroversion meant Laura rarely got a quiet minute when she and Max came over.

Finally alone in their designated bedroom, Laura undressed in as much hurry as being tired allowed for, and took advantage of the spacious rain forest shower. She had been all hot and bothered for the remainder of the drive here but once Max’s parents greeted them at the door, all thoughts of sex vanished. And no serious conversation followed what happened in the car. Now Laura wondered what it meant. Never in their seven years together had they discussed their fantasies just in theory. Usually, practice was always the next step. Was Laura sharing her fantasy a green light for Max to take action? Was that the way Max saw it?

Big strong hands cupped her breasts from behind. The feeling of Max’s lean body pressed against her own followed suit. Laura was generously gifted with luscious feminine curves but Max’s hands could easily contain them. Max was taller than her, which wasn’t very difficult, and definitely stronger and as Laura turned within her wife’s embrace and wrapped delicate hands around firm tattooed biceps, a shiver ran up her spine. Max had no right to be so hot. Not when Laura needed her full mental faculties for…

Their lips met in a kiss that immediately got deep and intense. Max pushed her against the shower wall and pressed her thigh between Laura’s legs. So not fair. Laura moaned into her mouth, already feeling her wetness mix with the water running down their bodies. She couldn’t help mindlessly grinding on Max’s thigh, slowly at first, savoring every delicious tingle, and then with more desperation. So much more she had to break their kiss to let out a string of hushed curses and whimpers.

“Make yourself come, baby,” she heard Max say in her ear just above the volume of the relentless downpour. Laura held onto her, short manicured nails digging into Max’s shoulders intensely enough to cause pain.

Laura’s head hit the wall. If Max wasn’t holding her, she would collapse–so unsteady were her legs. The bathroom had fogged like in a movie and Laura could barely breathe in the heat only made hotter by her wife extracting every bit of pleasure her body was capable of. When Max snuck a hand between their bodies, Laura’s moans increased in volume. It wasn’t enough to just rub her pussy on Max’s thigh, she needed more pressure, she needed… Exactly what Max was doing. Firm, focused circles around her clit. Each sending an electric current up Laura’s spine, to the roots of her hair. She could only manage to hold back and enjoy it for a few seconds before her orgasm hit her full force.

Max kissed and nipped her throat, holding her on her feet the entire time and carefully maintaining the cadence of her movements until the last waves of ecstasy washed over Laura. When Max released her, she was still shaking. She braced herself on the wall, not able to trust her legs just yet.

“You can’t be mad at me anymore,” Max said with a grin.

“Uh-huh.” Laura ran both hands over her flushed face to soothe it. “That’s how it works.”

“It’s exactly how it works. Now turn around.” At Laura’s raised eyebrow, Max clarified, “I want to wash you. That’s why you’re in the shower, right?”

“Right.” Laura turned around languidly, supporting the weight of her body on the tiled wall Max had backed her up against. As her wife ran soap-covered hands all over her body, her mind drifted to the dirty daydream that had started it all. She was probably as guilty as Max when it came to blurring the lines of monogamy. Something to discuss with Dr. Spencer.

Laura helped Max wash herself too. ‘Help’, though, was a bit of an exaggeration. She mostly took the chance to explore her wife’s beautiful body, soapy hands gliding up and down defined muscle and sexy curves. When she reached the coarse hairs of Max’s mound, Laura was tempted to keep going and by the subtle parting of Max’s legs, her idea was not unappreciated. Except, merely touching Max wasn’t going to be enough. Not after two weeks going without. Laura licked her lips anticipating her favorite flavor in the world. Max’s breath hitched, she knew exactly where her wife’s mind had gone.

So Laura got on her knees–extremely unpleasant on a wet tiled floor but she could tell her knee caps would not have to suffer long–and looked up at the gorgeous face of her biggest crush ever. Without breaking eye contact, she traced the inside of Max’s thigh with her tongue. Tangy arousal had run down her legs, diluted by the hot shower water. Laura kept inching up torturously slowly until she reached her goal. Good thing Max had turned her back to the beating rain or Laura would never be able to tilt her face up enough to take all of her.

Despite her earlier intentions, the moment she tasted Max on her tongue, Laura’s eyes closed on their own. The pleasure of sucking Max’s clit, face entirely buried between her legs, hit Laura stronger than she even remembered. Her pussy clenched in sympathy when Max started thrusting, hand on the back of Laura’s head, quickly getting closer and closer.

Laura squeezed her thighs together, hoping to get rid of the ache, and focused her attention on Max. Years of practice made her efficient–kneeling in front of Max was so hot but such a hazard at her age–and so Laura alternated between sucking and battering her wife’s clit until finally, Max’s thighs started shaking and she braced herself on the wall behind Laura for support. Laura lapped up every drop of cum not washed away by the water trickling down Max’s body.

“Fuck. You’re too good at this.” Max was still trying to catch her breath as she let go of Laura’s head and helped her to her feet.

“No such thing as ‘too good’.” But Laura would take being better than anyone else Max had been with…

Max kissed her deeply, cradling Laura’s face in her hands, until they both moaned. She was a good kisser. Self-assured but slow and considerate, she always left Laura wanting more. They broke apart for air and Max turned off the shower.

“I’m not done with you yet,” she said, handing Laura a towel. The mischievous glint in her eye made Laura’s breath catch.

“You’re not?”

“Not even a little bit.” Max wrapped a towel around her waist and gestured for Laura to go ahead. Only raising an eyebrow in response, Laura opened the door of the ensuite, letting all of the steam out, and made her way into their bedroom. She watched as Max patted herself dry, tossed the towel to the floor, and rummaged through the suitcase they’d brought. Laura didn’t need the seven years of closeness between them to know exactly what Max was looking for.

The shorts harness hugged her hips like it was made for her. Max’s favorite cock jutted from it proudly, in the color of her skin and exquisite detail. Once upon a time Laura found it intimidating–now she wanted every single inch inside.

“I like the way you think,” she said, letting her own towel drop to the carpeted floor.

“Wait until you hear what I think about…”

Now, that was interesting. Laura sauntered to where her wife was standing in the middle of the room and traced a path from her collarbones to the band of her shorts with the tips of her short rounded nails. The shiver this move elicited made Laura even wetter. “Please share.”

Max smirked. “Sharing is one way to put it.” Then her lips met Laura’s and she walked them both backward to the bed until they toppled over and landed on the plush duvet. The hard length of Max’s cock pressed into Laura’s belly and she whimpered. Max couldn’t possibly get inside her sooner. But Laura was even more excited to hear where she was going…

“You’re not the only one who gets turned on by the thought of watching her wife with someone else,” Max whispered into Laura’s ear before reaching between her legs. Her fingers only toyed with Laura’s entrance for a moment before effortlessly sinking deeper. Laura tried to stay quiet–she didn’t want to wake the whole house or God forbid, be heard by Max’s mom–but a long low moan still escaped her.

“Who do you have in mind?” Laura asked in a hushed voice after she managed to collect herself enough to make sense of Max’s disclosure. A disclosure that made her juices trickle down her butt. They’d have to strip the bed before leaving.

“Just some of my friends…”

Friends? Plural? Laura bit her lip to stop from crying out. It was a bit embarrassing and a whole lot fucked up how much that turned her on. Through conflicted arousal she barely managed to put her thoughts together, “Wait, not your real friends, though. Right?” Laura knew each one of Max’s friends and for one thing, she would never. For another, even picturing it would ruin the mood tonight.

“No,” Max chuckled. “Not my real friends. Let’s say they’re fictional characters.”

“Okay.” That was better. Some hypothetical people, that Laura’s imagination could work with.

“Maybe one of them is that butch from your gym…” Regretfully, Laura’s pussy picked that exact moment to release another gush of wetness that eased the passage of Max’s fingers. She groaned, part frustration, part pleasure. Max was hitting all the right spots like she had mapped them out and studied them for this exact occasion. “Uh-huh. You’d like that, won’t you?”

It was not the time to deny it. Max was using her you’re-such-a-dirty-slut voice and Laura was simply helpless against it. But she didn’t have to confirm either. “Would you like it?”

“What? Watching my wife get fucked senseless?” Max pulled out abruptly. Laura barely had time to register the loss before her legs were being spread wide enough to make space for Max’s hips. “Watching another butch enjoy this tight pussy I get to shoot in?” Laura slapped a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound of her cry. Max had timed it all perfectly: she pushed her cock all the way in exactly as she painted a picture for Laura. “Damn, baby, you go two weeks without fucking and your pussy forgets all about me.”

“We should–” Laura’s eyes rolled back when Max planted her elbows on either side of her head and sank even deeper.

“Yes, we should,” Max agreed, having understood her perfectly, and rested her forehead against Laura’s. For a couple of minutes they just moved together, breathing into each other, their parted lips almost touching but not quite. When Laura got into the rhythm of meeting Max’s thrusts, her mind conjured up the fantasy her wife had shared.

“So what else do you think about?” Her question was barely a whisper. The mere suggestion of having sex with someone else in real life was enough to make her nauseous. In theory, however… Max getting turned on by the thought of watching someone else fuck her–that was hot as hell.

Max softly laughed against her mouth. Then she kissed her way to Laura’s ear. “I imagine sitting in a chair in the corner, watching one of my friends kneel beside the bed and eat your pussy. You’re so, so wet I can hear it all the way across the room.” Max grabbed one of Laura’s thighs and spread it even wider. When she pushed forward with her hips, she reached deeper and Laura found herself biting Max’s bicep and clawing at her back. Max just chuckled and kept plundering her. “You’re so turned on but so embarrassed by it,” Max continued her story. “After all, your wife is in the room watching you get wet for someone else. And when she makes you come with her mouth you try to stop it but you can’t. It’s too late, someone else is making you come right in front of me. But, baby, you had my blessing. I asked my friends to fuck you. In fact, I’m jerking off to it.”

“Oh my god…” The obscene sounds of Laura’s soaking wet pussy being filled over and over again were louder than Max’s voice and both of them panting. But Laura barely had it in her to worry about thin walls and scandalized relatives. Max knew her so well, even in fantasy-land she could predict Laura’s exact responses.

“After you’re done shaking and screaming, another one of my friends has their way with you. This time they turn you on your tummy, ass in the air. I know you love getting fucked like that. I tell them you like it rough…” Laura arched as another thrust brought her to new heights of pleasure. Her wandering fingers wrapped around Max’s arms and she could feel her shaking. She was so, so close but the position was getting hard for Max to maintain.

“Baby, let me get on top,” Laura suggested softly. The moment she did, Max collapsed on top of her with a groan, pressing her body into the mattress.

“Yes,” was all she said before slowly pulling out. Laura whined at the feeling of emptiness, despite being the one who suggested the switch, her body so worked up and so close to release she started doubting the wisdom of her offer. Still, when Max sat with her back against the solid headboard, Laura climbed in her lap and let her guide her cock back inside.

“Ohhh…yes. Fuck, yes.” Nothing could beat the feeling of Max entering her. Laura rolled her hips experimentally a few times until she found the angle that felt good. Then she started riding Max with long slow movements. “Keep talking to me.”

“Where was I?”

“Another one of your friends fucking me from behind.”

“Fuck. Right.” Max looked at her with amazement and tenderness like she always did when Laura got on top. Her eyes flitted from Laura’s face to her bouncing tits before she wrapped an arm around her waist and cupped one breast, immediately pinching the nipple. “They fuck you from behind, hand on your back to push you into the mattress.” Not for the first time, Laura bit back a moan she knew was going to be too loud. “But this time we’re at home and you don’t have to be quiet. So you start crying out on every thrust, even though you still feel guilty for enjoying it so brazenly.”

“Oh god…” Laura was getting close again, Max’s dirty talking hitting all the right spots just like her cock was.

“And they tell me how fucking tight you are,” Max went on. “How lucky I am to have such a dirty little slut for a wife.”

“Mhm. Yes.” Approval mindlessly slipped out of Laura’s mouth, her head hung back, eyes closed in pleasure. Their sweat-slicked bodies moved together, Max’s words clipped from the effort and her approaching climax. Laura’s thighs were starting to burn from supporting her body weight as she moved up and down but she couldn’t even think of slowing down now.

“And then they ask me if they can come inside you…”

Laura dug her nails into Max’s arms and in the haze of the brutal orgasm that hit her, bit down on her shoulder. If her attempt to keep from screaming hurt, Max didn’t show it. She gripped Laura’s hips so hard bruises would form the next day. Still pulsing around Max’s cock and fighting unsuccessfully to catch her breath, Laura felt Max buck, chasing her own release. Her grunts and growls were quieter than Laura’s usual screams so Max didn’t hold back from making her pleasure heard and it only amplified Laura’s enjoyment.

It felt like one orgasm turned into another because Laura could swear minutes had passed before she sagged into Max’s embrace. Still panting and twitching, they shared a kiss that felt more tender than what was called for. Was Max regretting their brief hypothetical foray into open marriage already? Feeling as guilty as Laura felt for it?

Max tucked a sweaty lock of hair behind Laura’s ear before planting a tiny little kiss on the tip of her nose. Laura laughed and wrapped both arms around her neck.

“Did I bite you too hard?”

“I don’t think so.” Max considered for a moment, then spoke again, “Did I fuck you too hard?”

“Oh, I loved it. But as always, I will be sore tomorrow…”

Laura raised her hips enough for Max’s cock to slip out, then swung her leg over Max’s lap and collapsed beside her, totally spent. Now that her mind was beginning to clear, she was starting to feel more and more ambivalent about the latest rendition of their dirty talk. As much as Max’s fantasy had thrilled her, the reality of it would be likely unpleasant and the aftermath–emotionally messy. And then there was the question of Erin, whom Max was actually attracted to in the real world, outside the bounds of any fantasy.

But having a conversation, turning it into a thing, was the last thing Laura wanted to do. Especially at 1 a.m. after a long evening spent with Max’s family and then some of the most intense sex they’d had.



Max didn’t sound too sleepy yet. Worth a shot.

“I don’t actually want to try this in real life,” Laura said softly, turning her head so she could take in Max’s tousled hair and blissful expression.

“I’d divorce you if you did.” Though the tone was joking, Laura could tell it only served to make the truth of Max’s statement more palatable.

“Okay. Good. Because I don’t want to.” Laura swallowed. “And also…”

“I don’t want to fuck Erin either.” Max placed a hand on Laura’s tummy and its weight felt like it could anchor her through any storm. “I mean, sure, in a fantasy…I’m not denying I find her hot. But in the real world…” Max paused and the sincerity in her eyes made Laura’s heart expand. “I only want to be with you. And nothing’s ever worth the risk of losing you.”

Laura couldn’t think of anything to say and so she just leaned over Max and kissed her with all of the passion and love she had felt for her for seven years. When their lips parted, she could only state the banal truth, “I love you.”

“I love you,” Max echoed. “And I love that we can be honest about these things.”

That they could. Strangely, after spending the better part of two hours talking about fucking other people and getting off to it, Laura felt more secure in their relationship than ever.


A Proper Lady